This section covers sedation and general anesthesia safety for pediatric dentists offering sedation, especially in practices outside of the hospital setting.
Conscious Sedation: Emerging Trends in Pediatric Dentistry (Research Article)
Implementation of a Modified WHO Pediatric Procedural Sedation Safety Checklist and Its Impact on Risk Reduction (Research Article)
The Safety of Sedation for Overweight/Obese Children in the Dental Setting (Research Article)
Safe and Effective Sedation for the Pediatric Dental Patient (AAPD CE)
Pediatric Sedation Outside of the Operating Room(Boston Children's Hospital)
Sedation Provider Course (Society for Pediatric Sedation)
Impact of Obesity on Sedation Diagram (Infographic)
Management of Apnea in Procedural Sedation Infographic (Infographic)
Pediatric Procedural Sedation During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond Consensus Guidelines (Society for Pediatric Sedation)
Oral Sedation for Dental Procedures in Children (Book)
Sedation and Anesthesia for the Adolescent Dental Patient (CE Activity)
Stepwise Approach to Procedural Sedation Outside of the OR During COVID-19 (Infographic)
Trends in Outpatient Procedural Sedation Part 2: Adverse Effects (Infographic)
Upper Airway Obstruction (Infographic)