The Safety Toolkit offers practice tools, training tools, and a library of information to support the safest environment for children and adolescents receiving care. Explore topics from waterline infection control to antibiotic safety, and discover checklists, e-tools, and sample forms to integrate into your practice.
*For the best experience and easiest navigation, we recommend viewing this PDF in Adobe Acrobat.
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Disclaimer: This list of resources was assembled by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) to encourage safety initiatives in pediatric dental practice. However, the AAPD does not endorse or recommend any individual product for purchase that is listed in the Toolkit. This non-exclusive list is provided as an informational tool for AAPD members seeking to initiate or enhance safety initiatives in their practices, and may be modified by the AAPD at any time. Members are advised to undertake appropriate due diligence.
If you have any questions about this list, please contact Clare Conte, AAPD Research and Policy Center Project Manager at (773) 938-4158 or