Essential Learning
Each May, the AAPD Annual Session provides scientific programs, practice management information, the latest on clinical techniques, policy-making involvement for the specialty, plus fellowship and networking with professional colleagues.
Future Annual Sessions are as follows:
78th Annual Session
Denver, Colo.
May 22-25, 202579th Annual Session
Las Vegas, Nev.
May 21-24, 202680th Annual Session
Washington, D.C.
May 27-30, 2027 -
To keep members up-to-date with current trends in technology, practice tools and other areas critical to pediatric dentistry, the AAPD provides a variety of continuing education courses, webinars and seminars for members at discounted prices. The AAPD-sponsored courses are presented throughout the year and offer practical information for pediatric dentists, academicians, researchers and the dental team.
AAPD is a recognized ADA CERP Provider.
Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry is the leading and most informative didactic publication in the specialty. Distributed on a bimonthly basis, Pediatric Dentistry features numerous scientific articles, case reports and abstracts. You can search for articles, browse the journal archives (back to 1978) or view the current issue.
Journal of Dentistry for Children
In 2007, the oldest journal on oral health for children became the first journal on children’s oral health to be exclusively online. The Journal of Dentistry for Children covers a wide range of topics related to the clinical care of children, from clinical techniques of daily importance to the practitioner to studies on child behavior and growth and development. It also provides information on the physical, psychological and emotional conditions of children as they relate to and affect their dental health.
Compiled by the AAPD Council on Postdoctoral Education for programs, and updated biannually, the Core Curriculum Reading List is a reference list of more than 200 articles on Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Prevention, Growth and Development and Orthodontics, Special Care for Special Patients, Sedation and General Anesthesia, Restorative Dentistry, Pulp Therapy, Trauma, and Behavior Guidance.
Receive CE credits through Pediatric Dentistry, the scientific journal of AAPD. Simply read articles in each issue, answer questions correctly, and receive CE credits. It is that easy!
The Journal CE Program is available in the Education Passport. The Journal CE package provides up to 24 CE credits, and you can take the quizzes any time because the package is available to you for 3 years. Tests are posted when the journal issue is available.
Updated annually, and included as issue #6 in the Pediatric Dentistry journal, this publication contains the AAPD’s clinical practice guidelines, oral health policies and additional information pertinent to the practice of pediatric dentistry. The AAPD’s clearly identified positions on oral health policies for infants, children, adolescents and patients with special health care needs are reviewed and revised on a regular basis.
The AAPD Reference Manual App is available on your mobile device. You can now take the 400+ pages of information with you wherever you go.
The AAPD Education Passport was created to fit your busy lifestyle! With the Education Passport, we’ve made it easy for you to fulfill your continuing education needs. Access recorded courses and webinars at your own pace and earn continuing education from the office, on the road or even in the comfort of your own home.
little teeth, BIG Smiles
Join AAPD leaders, experts in the field of pediatric dentistry, and other professionals for little teeth, BIG Smiles. We’ll be discussing scientific, clinical, and the most up-to-date, relevant information out there for anyone and everyone in the pediatric dental community. Topics include, but are not limited to SDF, Behavior Management, Practice Management, Trauma, and more. little teeth, BIG Smiles is just getting started! Be sure to subscribe and stay up to date on all of the most recent episodes!
Listen to little teeth, BIG Smiles Podcast
Newly Erupted
Your favorite podcast host, Dr. Joel Berg, is back with AAPD’s newest Podcast Series, Newly Erupted! Created for residents and early career dentists, this series aims to focus on topics that will help you kick-start your career in the dental field, all handpicked by residents themselves!
The 5th Edition Handbook of Pediatric Dentistry is the premier reference for pediatric dentists and other health professionals. Designed to serve as a quick reference guide, the handbook is a must-have addition to every practice. The Handbook of Pediatric Dentistry has been completely revised and updated to present the most up-to-date information in a quick reference format. Each chapter also suggests readings and useful Web sites for additional information. This 5th edition of the handbook is available as a mobile application too (compatible with iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch or Android mobile devices).
Find a curated selection of tools and materials designed to help you efficiently manage and grow your pediatric dental practice.
A Comprehensive Resource for Reporting
Dental coding for your practice has never been more stress-free! The Coding and Insurance Manual gives pediatric dental staff a resource to code and document services accurately for claim submissions and dental records. Designed for daily use in every pediatric dental practice, this comprehensive resource provides a detailed “go to“ place for staff by providing answers to many of their questions. Improved organization and handy tables allow users to find information more quickly, and make correct coding easier for everyone. Includes ADA and CMS claim form with detailed instructions for completion.
Insurance and Coding Issues
Through input from the AAPD Council on Dental Benefit Programs, members can become involved in the decision-making process regarding benefits and reimbursement for pediatric dental procedures, as well as dental coding issues. For further information, please contact Dental Benefits Consultant Jim Nickman at (773) 938-4760 or
Patient Education
Shop for books, professional resources, and patient education materials. New products are added regularly!
The consumer-focused site,, educates parents and caregivers about AAPD policies and recommendations and provides essential resources & tips for keeping your child's mouther monster-free!
This e-toolkit contains downloadable materials and resources that can be tailored to use in your practice to engage with your current families and patients and to drive local awareness about your practice.
Get Involved & Connected
We know the value that AAPD members put on networking and educational opportunities we provide through our Annual Session and programs throughout the year. To build on that value, we are excited to enter into this new phase of member communication by providing AAPD members an environment to connect, engage and share critical information and best practices in real time in the new online Shared Interests Groups (SIG) community called Little Teeth Chat.
The AAPD sponsors lobbying and advocacy with legislative and governmental administrative bodies on issues applicable to pediatric dentistry and the improvement of children’s oral health care. Input can be provided through the AAPD’s Council on Government Affairs.
The AAPD Political Action Committee (PAC) supports congressional candidates who champion children’s oral health issues. For further information, please contact Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel C. Scott Litch at
Each member of the AAPD Speakers Bureau was carefully reviewed and selected by the AAPD Speakers Bureau Committee. This online Speakers Bureau connects state, districts and dental institutions with the leading experts in the world of pediatric dentistry. You must be an active member of the AAPD in order to be considered for the Speakers Bureau. To submit, please follow the link below and complete all tasks required in the submission process.
The AAPD media spokesperson program keeps the specialty of pediatric dentistry in full view of the media and the public. For further details on promoting the specialty of pediatric dentistry, contact Marketing and Communications Manager Caitlin Kepple at The AAPD welcomes member suggestions on enhancing communications with health professionals and the public.
Find information about the most important social media channels for your business, guidance on managing your social media communities, and best practices to help navigate issues that commonly arise on any organizations’ social media channels.
AAPD E-News is a bi-weekly electronic update of important issues for pediatric dentists.
AAPD Continuing EDge
This monthly e-newsletter will provide you with all things education. In each edition of the Continuing EDge, you’ll find details on upcoming AAPD continuing education courses, webinars, Annual Session, and more.
PDT (Pediatric Dentistry Today) magazine is the bi-monthly member publication that highlights legislative and regulatory information, membership news and AAPD meetings, as well as information on current and future events within the specialty and organization. Pediatric Dentistry Today has a full website to archive and promote articles designed to encourage sharing among pediatric dental office staff and patients and their families.
Ready to become an AAPD member? Join here today.
Check out all of the benefits you have access to as an AAPD member in our video!