Scientific Articles 
Time Dependence of Enamel Fluoride Acquisition From APF Gels: I. In Vitro Study 
By Stephen H.Y. Wei, Faiez N. Hattab

Time Dependence of Enamel Fluoride Acquisition From APF Gels: II. In Vivo Study 
By Stephen H.Y. Wei, Eilly W.S. Lau, Faiez N. Hattab

An Evaluation of Pulpal Therapy in Primary Incisors 
By James A. Coll, Stuart Josell, Steven Nassof, Preston Shelton, Mark A. Richards

Fluoride in Toothpastes for Children: Suggestion for Change 
By Eugenio D. Beltrán, Susan M. Szpunar

Fluoride Content of Infant Formulas: Soy-based Formulas as a Potential Factor in Dental Fluorosis 
By M. Carole McKnight-Hanes, Dennis H. Leverett, Steven M. Adair, Carol P. Shields

Microleakage of Three Luting Agents Used With Stainless Steel Crowns 
By Joel H. Berg, David E. Pettey, Max O. Hutchins

Radiographic Assessment of the Alveolar Bone in Children and Adolescents 
By Enrique Bimstein, Jayne E. Delaney, Edward A. Sweeney

Evaluation of Stress-relief Methods on Cobalt-Chromium Orthodontic Wires 
By David P. Durr, Rodolfo Vargas, Steven M. Adair

The Extent of Trauma and Postextraction Pain in Children 
By George Acs, Paul A. Moore, Stephen Shusterman, Howard L. Needleman

A Determination of the Sensitivity of the Dental Pulp of Primary Maxillary Anterior Teeth to Electrical Stimuli in Children With Unilateral and Bilateral Clefts 
By Mona P. Abad Santos, Dennis N. Ranalli, Robert Rapp, Thomas G. Zullo

Case Reports 
Complete Overlay Dentures for the Pediatric Patient: Case Reports 
By Erle Schneidman, Stephen Wilson, Richard L. Spuller

Unusual Foreign Body Presenting as a Palatal Tumor: Case Report 
By Daniel P. O'Brien, John E. Fantasia, Arthur S. Miller

Failures in Dental Practice and Practice Administration: Sharing Important Lessons 
By Ralph E. McDonald