Safe and Effective Sedation for the Pediatric Dental Patient

Event Overview


Register Now!


Who Should Attend
Any dentist who sedates children in their office.

March 24 -26, 2022


Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay
2900 Bayport Drive
Tampa, Florida 33607
(813) 874-1234

Please be sure to book within the room block here to take advantage of the fantastic group rate at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay.

Registration Fees

  By Feb. 22, 2022 After Feb. 22, 2022
AAPD Member $990 $1,190
AAPD Student Member $495 $695
Nonmember Dentist $1,190 $1,390

Course Description

This course features the recognized leaders in the field, both in dental anesthesia as well as pediatric dentistry. You’ll find didactic lectures, case studies, film clip sessions, panel discussions and hands-on breakouts with personalized attention. There will be dedicated forums to ask questions and talk about specific issues with course faculty, discuss techniques for effective communication with the patient and parent to address unusually challenging and complex situations. This course will offer opportunities to gain hands-on experience while learning airway techniques to rescue patients and will include breakout sessions with manikin practice with face masks, ambu bags and the insertion of nasal and oral airways; all in a personalized setting with real equipment and monitors.




ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.