The North Central Society of Pediatric Dentistry represents AAPD member pediatric dentists of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Ontario.
Pediatric dentists practicing in one of the ten North Central states or the Canadian provinces of Manitoba and Ontario are eligible to participate in the NCSPD when enrolling with the AAPD.
Membership and involvement in NCSPD offers benefits such as:
- Networking with other pediatric dentists within your geographic region
- Supporting legislative advocacy in your region
- Gaining leadership development through serving on AAPD committees and participating in AAPD workshops in areas of legislative advocacy, leadership, and media training
- Participating in forums to voice your ideas to the AAPD leadership regarding AAPD membership issues, policies, and other areas of interest
AAPD Membership Join & Benefits
Dr. Elizabeth Gosnel
Vice President
Dr. Kelly Kirtland
Dr. Bhakti Desai
Immediate Past President
Dr. Risa Arielle Hurwich
Executive Director
Dr. David M. Avenetti
NCSPD Meetings
NCSPD meetings normally occur twice per year: once during the AAPD Annual Session and once in the late fall, in conjunction with the fall AAPD Symposium.
A Brief History of NCSPD
The North Central Society of Pediatric Dentistry began before the 1986 Annual Session of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, during a committee meeting which established boundaries for the new AAPD districts. Dr. Keith Roberts (Indiana) represented our region on the committee. Dr. Roberts would later become a trustee of District IV. District IV would later spawn the NorthCentral Society of Pediatric Dentistry.
On January 23, 1987, state representatives met in Chicago to organize District IV. In 1989, Dr. Paul Walker (Minnesota) became the district's first Trustee. During his term, Dr. Walker facilitated the creation of component states and provinces within District IV and the AAPD. By the time he left office, all ten states and one Canadian provice had become components of the AAPD.
In 1998, the Academy asked that each of its six districts establish a district organization, Dr. Cliff Hartmann (Wisconsin), at that time the District IV trustee, banded together the components of District IV to become the North Central Society of Pediatric Dentistry. The first Annual Session meeting of the North Central Society was held on November 5, 1999 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Today, the North Central Society of Pediatric Dentistry works hand-in-hand with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry members and its leadership to select nominees for AAPD councils and committees and represents the interest of its District members. The North Central Society supports member networking, legislative advocacy, and continuing education while continuing to develop fellowship and cooperation within our organization.