COVID-19 Vaccines Q&A (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia). This is a list of commom questions that have been collected from parents along with helpful answers to help them make the best decision for their kids. This also includes two animated short videos on how each type of vaccine works for the extra curious parent! Click here to visit Questions and Answers about COVID-19 Vaccines.

Toolkit for Addressing Health Misinformation (NIH). You know your patients and their families want to make the best choices for themselves and their loved ones. This is why it is so important that they have accurate information to base their decisions upon, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. But with so many sources of information available from news and media to online communities, family, friends and relatives, it can be too easy to come upon misinformation. While this may present a challenging situation, misinformation can be addressed with your help! “A Community Toolkit for Addressing Health Misinformation” was developed by the Office of the Surgeon General to help all of us take a look at why misinformation is spread and how we can take a critical look at where we are getting our information and determine if it is the best we can do. This toolkit, fit with tips on addressing miscommunication particularly with your patient community, is an ever-needed addition to the patient relations library of any pediatric dentist. Click here to read “A Community Toolkit for Addressing Health Misinformation” and learn why.

Parent and Caregiver Questions: Keeping Kids Safe at School. In-school learning is back in session and now more than ever parents are faced with a myriad of questions and concerns affecting their children and family. As a trusted source in the community, you may find yourself in a position to give parents high value one-on-one guidance. To help parents in your patient-community, visit this great resource from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that provides succinct and tailored information for parents who may have questions about school during COVID-19. The site offers questions parents can ask their school about how they are prioritizing safety and wellbeing of the students during COVID-19, common parent FAQ’s about the COVID-19 considerations in the school setting, including information on sports and activities, mealtime protocols, special accommodations and more. Be prepared and learn the answers to some of parents’ biggest questions about school during COVID-19 with this go-to resource. Click here to visit Parents and Caregivers – What Is Your School Doing to Protect Your Child from COVID-19? For a more detailed look into prevention strategies in schools, visit Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools, here.

Talking with Your Patients about COVID-19 Vaccines (ADA). The latest toolkit from the American Dental Association has arrived. Intended to help you inspire vaccine confidence in your patients and their caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic, this communications guide includes conversation starters, take-home fact sheets, and sample emails to reach out to your patients to encourage vaccination. Social media do's and don'ts? Find the answers in Talking with Your Patients About COVID-19 Vaccines.

COVID-19 Vaccine Myths (CDC). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention created this myth-busting factsheet to bring awareness to fictitious ideas about the COVID-19 vaccination. The concise explanations were designed to help patients understand the claims and learn what is true and what is false when rumors make their way into communities. To visit Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines, click here.

COVID-19 Conspiracies and Beyond: How Physicians Can Deal With Patients’ Misinformation. This article on patient health literacy focuses on the epidemic of misinformation and how health professionals can use what they already know to engage their patients in thoughtful discussion while maintaining trust and stewarding health. To read COVID-19 Conspiracies and Beyond, click here. (January 7, 2021)

Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event. From the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, this resource is helpfully organized by age-group to help you help children and families who have experienced distress. Click here to read. (December 1, 2020)

The Emotional Impact of Disaster on Children and Families. Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the effects of disasters. This intro course on the emotional impact of disasters on the pediatric population is a great place to touch-up your knowledge of the emotional wellbeing of children and adolescents. Click here to read. (December 1, 2020)