On Wednesday, January 31st, Dr. James Nickman completed 28 broadcast media interviews with TV and radio stations coast to coast. He addressed why little teeth are such a big deal and shared simple tips and tricks for keeping children’s teeth healthy, including the importance of an Age One dental visit, what to do when a baby tooth gets knocked out, as well as helpful tips on teething. Dr. Nickman also debunked some widespread misconceptions on oral health such as if tooth decay is genetic, the importance of brushing your tongue and timing on the cessation of thumb sucking and pacifier use. In addition, he discussed new treatment options for cavities such as silver diamine fluoride. From Portland’s KOIN-CBS TV’s KOIN News This Morning to Chicago and WSRB-FM Radio Real Talk, over to Rhode Island’s WTKR-CBS TV Coast Live and down to West Palm Beach’s WPBF-ABC TV WPBF 9 AM News, broadcast and radio outlets were eager to hear his expert advice to help set their viewers (& kids) up with a lifetime of healthy oral habits!