Literature Review 
Sleep Disordered Breathing in Infants and Children: A Review of the Literature 
By John R. Ivanhoe, Carol A. Lefebvre, John W. Stockstill

Scientific Articles 
Risk Factors for Early Childhood Caries in Canadian Preschool Children Seeking Care 
By Michelle J. Tiberia, Alan R. Milnes, Robert J. Feigal, Keith R. Morley, David S. Richardson, William G. Croft, Wa Sham Cheung

Dental Screening of Preschool Children Using Teledentistry: A Feasibility Study 
By Dorota T. Kopycka-Kedzierawski, Ronald J. Billings, Kenneth M. McConnochie

Analysis of the Demographic Characteristics of Pediatric Dental Practice Sites 
By Eric S. Solomon

Use of Restraint and Management Style as Parameters for Defining Sedation Success: A Survey of Pediatric Dentists 
By Kaaren G. Vargas, John E. Nathan, Fang Qian, Ari Kupietzky

Ultrastructural and Microbiological Analysis of the Dentin Layers Affected by Caries Lesions in Primary Molars Treated by Minimal Intervention 
By Denise Stadler Wambier, Fábio André dos Santos, Antonio Carlos Guedes-Pinto, Ruy Gastaldoni Jaeger, Maria Regina Lorenzeti Simionato

Toothbrush Bristle Wear and Adherence of Streptococcus mutans 
By Robert N. Goldsmith, Zia Shey, Milton I. Houpt, Daniel Fine, Helen Schreiner, Barbara Greenberg

Recall Rates and Caries Experience of Patients Undergoing General Anesthesia for Dental Treatment 
By William J. Jamieson, Kaaren Vargas

Clinical Article 
The Transpalatal Arch: An Alternative to the Nance Appliance for Space Maintenance 
By Ari Kupietzky

Case Report 
Characteristics of a Pediatric Patient with a Capillary Hemangioma of the Palatal Mucosa: A Case Report 
By Richard K. Yoon, Steven Chussid, Narmatha Sinnarajah

Case Series 
Oral and Dental Findings in Children with Fanconi Anemia 
By Meryem Tekcicek, Betul Tavil, Asli Cakar, Asli Pinar, Selma Unal,

Publicity for Children’s Oral Health: A Perfect Storm 
By Steven Adair