Scientific Articles
A Survey of Specialist Pediatric Dental Services in Sweden During 1989 
By Göran Dahllöf, Bo Schelin

Evaluation of the Effects of Orthodontic Pacifiers on the Primary Dentitions of Twenty-four- to Fifty-nine-month-old Children: Preliminary Study 
By Steven M. Adair, Michael Milano, Jennifer C. Dushku

The Effects of Various Dental Procedures and Patient Behaviors Upon Nitrous Oxide Scavenger Effectiveness 
By Robert J. Henry, Robert E. Prirnosch, Frank J. Courts

Dental Caries in Relation to Nutritional Stress in Early English Child Populations 
By Elizabeth A. O’Sullivan, Sonia A. Williams, Martin E.J. Curzon

Frequency of Alveolar Bone Loss Adjacent to Proximal Caries in the Primary Molars and Healing Due to Restoration of the Teeth 
By Enrique Bimstein

Class IV Preparation Design for Microfilled and Macrofilled Composite Resin 
By Kevin J. Donly, Randall Browning

Influence of Vitamins and Iron on Plasma Fluoride Levels in Rats 
By Jarvis T. Chan, Cory M. Stark, Thomas W. Wild, Arthur H. Jeske

Use of a Bonding Agent to Reduce Sealant Sensitivity to Moisture Contamination: An In Vitro Study 
By Janet C. Hitt, Robert J. Feigal

Short Communication 
Comparison of Colorimeter and Electrode Analysis of Water Fluoride 
By Burton L. Edelstein, David Cottrel, David O’Sullivan, Norman Tinanoff

Effect of Prophylaxis Agents on the Shear Bond Strength of a Fissure Sealant 
By Thompson Ray Bogert, Franklin García-Godoy

Infant Dental Care - Persistence and Finesse 
By Paul S. Casamassimo